Why did you choose UC Irvine for your studies?
UCI offers a wide range of majors in the computer and technology field. It employs world class faculty and staff that are willing and happy to help students in achieving high academic goals. Furthermore UCI is surrounding and supported by various technology companies willing to help and employ UCI graduates. The city of Irvine offers a safe, quiet and suitable environment for learning and getting the full college experience.
What is the most enjoyable part of your studies?
One of the most enjoyable parts of my studies at UCI is being able to take classes that I have a strong interest in. Taking upper division courses has made me develop more of an interest in my area of study. It gives me a glimpse of what will hopefully be an exciting future in my field.
Have you done an internship?
I have participated in various internship programs ranging from environmental studies and conservation to financial services industry. I found that the best way to explore the different fields that I might find myself in, is to participate in internship programs. I currently hold a position as an intern at a financial and mutual fund services firm in Irvine.
Are you engaged in any social activities outside of your studies?
As a freshman and sophomore, I was a part of the Greek community here at UCI.
What are you most proud of so far?
I am most proud of how involved I have become with the different opportunities that have come my way. I have had the opportunity to co-found and hold a key position in an app development club here at UCI. I am also currently the lead software developer for the software team working on the UCI UAV Forge research project. I am proud that I have been able to accomplish what I set out to do, while maintaining a social life and getting the opportunity to study abroad.
What has been the best part of your experience?
The best part of my experience at UCI is being able to study abroad in Italy. This experience has allowed me to see more, do more and experience different cultures. I will be ever grateful for this experience and opportunity.
What are your aspirations?
I aspire to be and do many things. Perhaps my biggest aspiration is to be successful in my field. To make an impact in my area of interest while maintaining the love I have for it.
What would your advice be to incoming students in your program?
The beginning always seems difficult, it always seems like there is no end in sight. Remember that you have already come so far and achieved so much. As cliché as it might sound, hard work does pay off. The program is rigorous, but always remember that you are not alone. There are resources available to help you in navigating the major. Lastly, never be afraid to ask for help.