Diane Jiea Monchusap


Why did you choose UC Irvine for your studies?

It’s just far enough from my hometown for me to experience independence and get started on my own life. As an added bonus, I was admitted into the Bren school for computer science, which was one of the better computer science programs I was accepted into, among my other offers.

What is the most enjoyable part of your studies?

I really enjoy seeing how all of my classes overlap with each other, and also that the projects I am assigned and the skills I learn in class have practical applications in the real world. Also, meeting people through classes who have similar interests and goals is a wonderful thing.

Have you done an internship?

I haven’t yet done an internship, although I am looking! I do work at the campus bookstore, the Hill, in the technical services department however, so even though that’s not an internship, I am getting a fair amount of exposure to information technology and learning important skills there. We service computers for most of the UC Irvine community, so I really feel involved and proactive in what I’m tasked with. It’s an extremely rewarding experience, and I love every moment of my time there.

Are you engaged in any social activities outside of your studies?

I’m a member of both the Anteater Pep Band and the Wind Ensemble in the Claire Trevor School, and I am also a staff photographer for the New University. Being part of all three activities has really shaped my first two years at UCI, and I’m sure that they will continue to be positive experiences. I think that they’re fulfilling activities because they let me be creative and expressive (not that Informatics doesn’t!)

What are you most proud of so far?

Finding a field that I enjoy and want to stick with. Some people spend part of their college years searching and searching for what they want to major in, but I feel extremely blessed to have been accepted into a program that offers a major that I really enjoy. I can’t even imagine being at any other campus or in any other field.

What has been the best part of your experience?

I don’t think there is really one “best” part of my experience here at UC Irvine, not yet at least. I’ve been going with the flow with what comes my way, and I think nearly every experience so far has been rewarding or full of lessons. So I guess that might be the best part!

What are your aspirations?

I’m really interested in how information technology and management can improve efficiency in organizational settings. Although I haven’t taken a formal class in either yet, I’m also interested in the fields of database administration and information retrieval.

What would your advice be to incoming students in your program?

Time management is key. Don’t let your courseload own you! It’s completely possible to take a full load and still have time to be social and get enough sleep. Also, be open minded in the classes you take, because even though some of them have daunting titles, they may be some of the most insightful or rewarding classes you’ll take. Finally, reach out and meet people in your academic school, because they’re the ones you’ll be graduating with! Why not become friends on the way?


“ I really enjoy seeing how all of my classes overlap with each other, and also that the projects I am assigned and the skills I learn in class have practical applications in the real world.”