Animation Career Review (ACR) has released its 2017 Game Design School Rankings in which UCI was ranked the 3rd best school for game design in California, 4th best on the West Coast, 6th best among public colleges and 18th best in the nation. These rankings highlight the growth and impact of UCI’s B.S. in Computer Game Science, which is housed in the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences. The computer game science bachelor’s gives undergraduate students invaluable hands-on experience in programming, designing and implementing virtual games.
ACR launched in 2011 with the goal to be the most comprehensive source of information for aspiring animation and game design professionals. The criteria ACR uses when compiling top school lists include academic reputation, admission selectivity, depth and breadth of programs, degree value as it relates to tuition and indebtedness and geographic location. ACR also incorporates school surveys during the evaluation process.