Informatics Professors Stacy Branham and Iftekhar Ahmed are among 10 faculty members nationwide selected by Teach Access to receive its 2020-2021 Teach Access Curriculum Development Awards of $5,000 each. The awards will be used to develop modules, presentations, exercises or curriculum enhancements or changes that introduce the fundamental concepts and skills of accessible design and development in existing, classroom-based courses. Teach Access hopes that the teaching of these concepts will help close the accessible technology skills gap that the Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (PEAT) identified in 2018. According to Teach Access, they selected applicants who would have the largest impact, had the strongest outreach plans, were the most sustainable, and had clearly laid out evaluation plans. The organization is a collaboration of leading educational institutions, the technology industry and advocates for people with disabilities whose mission is to make the fundamentals of digital accessibility, including design principles and best practices, a larger part of undergraduate education.