General Information
Course Requirements
M.S. students must complete four software engineering core courses, six elective courses, and two quarters of seminars (IN4MATX 209S). Students doing Capstone Plan I (Thesis) must complete two quarters, four units each, of Thesis Supervision (IN4MATX 298); students doing Capstone Plan II (Comprehensive Examination) must complete two quarters of literature survey courses.
The course requirements are identical to the Ph.D. degree, diverging only in making the Literature Survey and the Individual Study courses mutually exclusive, depending on the students’ Capstone option.
Capstone Requirement
M.S. students must complete four software engineering core courses, six elective courses, and two quarters of seminars (IN4MATX 209S). *IN ADDITION* students doing Capstone Plan I (Thesis) must complete two quarters, four units each, of Thesis Supervision (IN4MATX 298); students doing Capstone Plan II (Comprehensive Examination) must complete two quarters of literature survey courses.
Plan I:
Thesis Option. Students must take and pass the Research Assessment examination. Additionally, students are required to defend their thesis in a public exam according to UCI Senate Policy. This requirement must be completed by the end of the second year.
Plan II:
Comprehensive Examination Option. Students must take the written comprehensive examination, and obtain an M.S. PASS or higher. This requirement must be completed by the end of the second year. In case of FAIL, the exam may be re-taken once more. A second FAIL results in disqualification of the student from the master’s program.
The M.S. degree will not be awarded to students who currently hold a M.S. degree in software engineering or a related field from the same or another university.