Important milestones
- January 2018: Master of Software Engineering established
January 2018: Founding of eSports Research Lab
January 2018: Founding of Participatory Learning Lab
- April 2016: Master of Human-Computer Interaction & Design established
- September 2014: Informatics Ph.D. and M.S. established
- July 2014: Transformative Play Lab established
- October 2013: Center for Research in Sustainability, Collapse-Preparedness & Information Technology established
- September 2012: Software Engineering Ph.D. and M.S. established
- September 2012: Software Engineering B.S. established
- June 2012: Intel Science and Technology Center for Social Computing established
- January 2011: EVOKE Lab and Studio established
- September 2010: Computer Game Science B.S. established
- September 2009: Hana Ohana Lab established
- September 2007: Business Information Management B.S. established
- September 2004: Informatics B.S. established
- July 2003: Laboratory for Ubiquitous Computing & Interaction (LUCI) established
- December 2002: Department of Informatics founded
By the numbers
- 31 faculty
- 6 professors emeriti
- 13 affiliated faculty
- 3 lecturers
- 7 department staff
- 5 researchers
- 81 Ph.D. students
- 44 M.S. students
- 758 undergraduate students
Professional recognition
- American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow: Geoffrey Bowker
- American College of Medical Informatics (ACMI) Fellow: Kai Zheng
- American Psychological Association Fellow: Gary Olson
- Association for Computer Machinery Fellow: Paul Dourish, Gary Olson, Judy Olson, Richard Taylor
- Association for Computing Machinery Distinguished Scientist: Cristina Lopes, David Redmiles, André van der Hoek
- Association for Psychological Science Fellow: Gary Olson
- British Computer Society Fellow: Paul Dourish
- CHI Academy Member: Paul Dourish, Gloria Mark, Bonnie Nardi, Gary Olson, Judy Olson
- IEEE/ACM Automated Software Engineering Fellow: David Redmiles, Debra Richardson
- IEEE Faculty: Cristina Lopes
- Jacobs Foundation Advanced Research Fellowship: Gillian Hayes
- Mercator Fellowship from the German Research Foundation: Alfred Kobsa
- National Academy of Engineering: Judy Olson
Notable achievements
- 2016: SIGCHI Lifetime Service Award, Gary Olson
- 2016: Antonio Pizzigati Prize for Software in the Public Interest, Crista Lopes
- 2014: NSF Career Award, James A. Jones
- 2014: Board of Scientific Counselors, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Sustainable and Healthy Communities Subcommittee, Bill Tomlinson
- 2013: Intel Early Career Faculty Award, Melissa Mazmanian
- 2011: ACM-W Athena Lecturer Award, Judy Olson
- 2009: ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Research Award, Richard Taylor
- 2009: Premier Award for Excellence in Engineering Education Courseware, André van der Hoek
- 2008: NSF Career Award, Gillian Hayes
- 2008: Sloan Research Fellowship, Bill Tomlinson
- 2007: Ludwig Fleck Prize, Geoffrey Bowker
- 2007: ASIST Best Information Science Book Award, Geoffrey Bowker
- 2007: NSF Career Award, Bill Tomlinson
- 2007: Kavli Fellow, National Academic of Sciences, Gillian Hayes
- 2006: CHI Lifetime Achievement Award, Gary Olson & Judy Olson
- 2006: Fulbright Fellowship, Gloria Mark
- 2006: Humboldt Research Award, Alfred Kobsa
- 2006: IBM Faculty Award, Paul Dourish
- 2004: NSF Career Award, Cristina Lopes
- 2004: Northeastern University Distinguished Alumni Award, Cristina Lopes
- 2002: NSF Career Award, Paul Dourish
- 2002: American Medical Informatics Society Diana Forsythe Award, Paul Dourish
- 2001: NSF Career Award, André van der Hoek
- 2001: NSF Career Award, Gloria Mark
- 2001: OC Metro’s “Ten Women Who Make a Difference in Orange County”, Debra Richardson
- 2000: XEROX Achievement Award, Cristina Lopes
- 1996: NSF Career Award, David Redmiles
- 1985: NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award, Richard Taylor
UC Irvine recognition
- 2015: Instructional Technology Innovation Award, Bonnie Nardi and Bill Tomlinson
- 2014: UC Irvine Senate Distinguished Mid-Career Award for Research, Paul Dourish
- 2013: Emeritus Association Faculty Award for Excellence in Mentoring, Judy Olson
- 2013: Excellence in Teaching Award, David Kay
- 2010: Chancellor’s Professor, Richard Taylor
- 2009: Celebration of Teaching Award for Pedagogical Innovation, Gillian Hayes
- 2008: Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Fostering Undergraduate Research, Gillian Hayes
- 2006: Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Fostering Undergraduate Research, Bill Tomlinson
- 2005: Professor of the Year, André van der Hoek
- 2005: Excellence in Teaching Award, André van der Hoek
- 2004: Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Fostering Undergraduate Research, Cristina Lopes
- 2002: TA Developer of the Year, David Kay
- 2002: Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Fostering Undergraduate Research, André van der Hoek
- 2001: Excellence in Teaching Award, David Kay
- 2001: Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Fostering Undergraduate Research, Alfred Kobsa
- 1998: Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Fostering Undergraduate Research, David Redmiles