Reyhaneh Jabbarvand, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Informatics, was recently awarded a Google Ph.D. Fellowship in programming technology and software engineering. Google started the program almost a decade ago to support graduate students doing exceptional work in computer science and related disciplines. This year, Google named 39 new Fellows from North America, Europe and the Middle East, providing the recipients with financial support and matching them with a Google Research Mentor.
Monthly Archives: April 2018
Geoffrey C. Bowker Recognized as Donald Bren Professor
April 10, 2018
On April 4, 2018, staff, students, faculty and friends gathered to celebrate Geoffrey C. Bowker as he was formally recognized as Donald Bren Professor in Information and Computer Sciences. During opening remarks for the event, André van der Hoek, Chair of the Department of Informatics, referred to Bowker as “someone who reflects a lot on the state of the world and how we’ve gotten to where we are.” Such reflections can be found in his many publications, including Science on the Run (1994), Sorting Things Out: Classification and its Consequences with Susan Leigh Star (2000), and the award-winning Memory Practices in the Sciences (2008).
ICS Students Awarded National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships
Three Ph.D. students in the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences have received National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowships: Amari Lewis, Samantha McDonald and Arash Nabili.
Since 1952, the Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) has helped the NSF develop a globally engaged workforce, recruiting high-potential, early-career scientists and engineers who work to advance the nation’s science and engineering research and innovation. In particular, GRFP aims to increase the diversity of the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workforce, supporting master’s and doctoral students from various geographic regions as well as women, underrepresented minorities, persons with disabilities and veterans.
Winter 2018 Informatics Student Project Showcase
April 6, 2018
Students celebrated the completion of their capstone projects on March 19 during the Winter 2018 Informatics Student Project Showcase, where teams of students presented novel solutions to real-world problems. The projects addressed a variety of problems, ranging from finding available spots in a busy parking structure or preparing for a job interview, to helping people better manage their healthcare and prevent treatment delays following a diagnosis.
Medium: “The Future of Love: Robot Sex and AI Relationships” (Bonnie Nardi quoted)
April 3, 2018
Bonnie Nardi, a professor at the Department of Informatics at the University of California Irvine, told The Verge that nowadays most people don’t believe they could fall in love with their computer. “They do, however, wish that love could be so simple” she continued. “So programmable. So attainable. Computing machines beguile us because we have the dominion to program them” she said.
Read the full story at Medium.